Acetabular chondrosarcoma with extensive intraosseous spread.
Acetabular chondrosarcoma with extensive intraosseous spread.
资料来源:大学医院巴塞尔的Philipp Brantner / 3D印刷实验室

The impact of 3D printing in radiology

At ECR 2019, speakers emphasized that 3D printing enables an innovative way to display imaging, and it allows radiologists to offer clinical value to their medical and surgical colleagues.

Sascha Keutel.

With increased precision, speed of service and reduced cost, 3D printing presents an opportunity to transform traditional healthcare and its delivery, and radiology is at the center of this new technology. In the ECR 2019 Special Focus Session “The 3D printing lab from bench to bedside”, the speakers emphasized that 3D printing does not only enable a new and innovative way to display imaging, but it also contributes to patient care and allows radiologists to offer clinical value to their medical and surgical colleagues.

With 3D printing, the radiological workflow is changing dramatically, as it is moving from the traditional stepwise referral-report approach to a totally different device-oriented process, said Assoc. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Kainberger, deputy chief of the Division of Neuroradiology and Musculoskeletal Radiology at the University Hospital Vienna. He therefore expressed the need for radiologists to define the role of 3D printing into their field. “This is a crucial topic of our work in the near future: if we want to include 3D printing into our daily work, we have to be aware that it is not the real image interpretation or diagnosis report in radiology. What we want to use is a printed diagnosis,” he said. “Especially in non-standardized procedure. That’s the real added value of some 3D models.” According to Kainberger, 3D printing should be regarded as a holistic approach that substantially influences the personalization of imaging diagnostics with a prognostic, a preventive and a participatory impact.

A 3D printing lab in radiology

资料来源:大学医院巴塞尔的Philipp Brantner / 3D印刷实验室




  • 手术和介入程序规划
  • Creating models for training and simulation, but also functional models, e.g. for the cardiovascular field where you can get information about patient-specific fluid flow profiles
  • Developing medical devices or improving existing ones
  • Producing phantoms for clinical imaging optimization




  • 减少患者负担:较低的辐射剂量和扫描时间
  • Lower image quality often sufficient for clinical diagnosis
  • Human skills compensate for lower image quality

3D printing:

  • 预期用途的最佳图像需要高辐射剂量和扫描时间
  • 较低的图像质量通常会导致差3D模型
  • 算法补偿的快速发展,但仍远非人类技能。


Intraoperative view of an hybrid cranioplasty implant in situ.
Source: Philip Brantner

据大学医院巴塞尔3D印刷实验室的联合主任Philipp Brantner博士,3D打印正在成为手术工作流程的越来越相关的一部分。新利18官方在他的讲座中,Brantner推出了三个主要概念,3D打印可以帮助外科医生:新利18官方
First, anatomical models help the surgeon to visualize complex or invisible structures and help summarize the abundance of image data. They can help the surgeon to improve anatomical understanding in complex situations and provide data for virtual and augmented reality systems. Second, virtual surgery uses imaging data to create patient-specific jigs and to prepare guides as well as patient-specific implants. Third, training models and simulators: Provide tools to educate residents to become more proficient in common procedures while helping experienced surgeons to simulate high-risk interventions.


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