Robot-powered outfit is being fashioned to help seniors walk

一系列可穿戴机器人 - 一种漫画英雄钢铁侠穿的盔甲的轻量级版本 - 可以让老年人长时间保持更长时间。

Uthealth的Shuo-Hsiu(詹姆斯)Chang,Pt,Phd,Center和CCNY的Hao Su,PHD正在测试前辈的移动设备。


Think of it as a lightweight version of the armor that comic hero Tony Stark dons as Iron Man when he fights villains. These mobility machines are called exoskeletons.

由Hao Su,CCNY,博士,麦克拉德和硕富(詹姆斯)昌,Pt,博士,麦格伦医学院的麦戈尔恩医学院,博士,博士,博士,Pt,Pt,Pt,Pt,Pt,Pt,Pt,PT,PT,PT,在Uthealth,在一场散步的试点研究困难。Su是CCNY的助理教授。现在,支持国家残疾,独立生活和康复研究所(Nidilrr),Francisco,Chang和Su计划从国家残疾,独立生活和康复研究(Nidilrr)授予130万美元的批准,以评估难以与步态或步伐困难的老年人的模型

Mobility is the most common disability among people 65 years of age or more in the United States, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The Journal of Public Health reports that 32% of adults aged 65 years and older have a hard time walking three city blocks.

反对ventional exoskeletons are typically heavy, bulky, expensive, and primarily suitable for individuals with little voluntary movement. “Our prototype is approximately 60% lighter than commercially available exoskeletons,” said Francisco, the chair of physical medicine and rehabilitation at McGovern Medical School and the chief medical officer at TIRR Memorial Hermann. “In addition, our model is run by the user, not the robot. Wearers aren’t forced to walk in a pre-defined path.”

McGovern Medical School的沃尔夫家族椅中的武力家庭椅繁华福雷斯科(McGovern Medical School)表示,美国约有470万人受益于中风,脊髓灰质炎,多发性硬化和脊髓损伤等神经系统疾病所享受的低肢外骨骼。“我们的长期愿景是为需要他们的每个人提供辅助机器人,”麦戈尔恩医学院的实体医学和康复教授和麦格森纪念赫尔曼的神经妇幼研究中心行政主任。“他们可以在家里或工作中穿上衣服下面。”

Chang added, “Despite the advancement of exoskeletons, state-of-the-art exoskeletons are not suitable to promote independence and community living. There is a pressing need for wearable robots that can improve the quality of life for broader populations in community settings.”



How 5 upper body exoskeletons support natural movements

How 5 upper body exoskeletons support natural movements




Exoskeleton-assisted rehabilitation can be beneficial in treating stroke survivors.

Multiple sclerosis: Exoskeleton therapy improves mobility

Multiple sclerosis: Exoskeleton therapy improves mobility

Kessler Foundation的专家LED LED第一次试点随机对照试验的机器人外骨骼辅助运动康复对具有大量女士相关残疾的人们的流动性,认知和脑连接。

FDA授权脑电电脑界面为Stroke Rehab

FDA授权脑电电脑界面为Stroke Rehab

Neurolutions IpsiHand exoskeleton uniquely leverages brain-computer interface technology for chronic stroke rehabilitation



Researchers have demonstrated that high-dose therapy gait training using robotic exoskeletons may aid early rehabilitation for acute stroke.



Researchers have developed a system that combines a brain-computer interface and a robotic arm that responds to the actual intentions of treated patients.

Ultra-thin sensitive strain sensors

Ultra-thin sensitive strain sensors


Brain injury: Exoskeleton training improves walking

Brain injury: Exoskeleton training improves walking


Handheld exoskeleton improves hand mobility problems

Handheld exoskeleton improves hand mobility problems


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