

资源:CC0 Public Domain

Complexmedical devicessuch asCT,MRI超声machines are controlled by instructions sent from a host PC. Abnormal or anomalous instructions introduce many potentially harmful threats to patients, such as辐射过度曝光,操纵装置组件或医学图像的功能操纵。由于网络攻击,人为错误,如技术人员的配置错误或主机软件错误,可能会发生威胁。

As part of his Ph.D. research, Tom Mahler from Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering (SISE) at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev has developed a technique using artificial intelligence that analyzes the instructions sent from the PC to the physical components using a new architecture for the detection of anomalous instructions. "We developed a dual-layer architecture for the protection of medical devices from anomalous instructions," Mahler says. "The architecture focuses on detecting two types of anomalous instructions: (1) context-free (CF) anomalous instructions which are unlikely values or instructions such as giving 100x more radiation than typical, and (2) context-sensitive (CS) anomalous instructions, which are normal values or combinations of values, of instruction parameters, but are considered anomalous relative to a particular context, such as mismatching the intended scan type, or mismatching the patient's age, weight, or potential diagnosis," Mahler said. "For example, a normal instruction intended for an adult might be dangerous [anomalous] if applied to an infant. Such instructions may be misclassified when using only the first, CF, layer; however, by adding the second, CS, layer, they can now be detected."


Adding the second CS layer to the architecture improved the overall anomaly detection performance from an F1 score of 71.6%, using only the CF layer, to between 82% and 99%, depending on the clinical objective or the body part. Furthermore, the CS layer enables the detection of CS anomalies, using the semantics of the device's procedure, an anomaly type that cannot be detected using only the CF layer.

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